Here you can find all sorts of useful information from the latest guidance on Bee health, to help and advice regarding beekeeping practices and much more.

We strongly recommend beekeepers belong to their local Beekeeping Association for the advice and support they can offer.  For more information please use the visit the Sussex Beekeepers association or our local Hastings and Rother division.

We send a monthly newsletter covering our beekeeping experiences along with regular YouTube videos to help with your beekeeping

We are working on this page to bring you even more info soon!

Beekeeping Help and AdviceLatest News

The Asian Hornet

Background… Vespa velutina, known as the ‘Asian hornet’ or ‘yellow legged hornet’ is an invasive non-native species from Asia. If...

Beekeeping Help and AdviceLatest News

New products to feed your Bees

We have some new products to help your bees get through the winter and develop well in the spring: Fondabee...

Beekeeping Help and Advice

Honey Cake

Our Honey Cake Recipe… We are often asked for the recipe for the honey cake served on our training courses,...

Beekeeping Help and Advice

Hive Record Card

Keeping records of how the bees are doing throughout the year is so important for their management.  Temperament, strength, health...

Beekeeping Help and Advice

Helping pollinators in your garden

with the help of Amanda Millar and links to the Bumblebee Conservation Trust we have put together the following tips...