Help and advice from general topics to poultry health.  To help from the very first day of your chicken keeping we have put together basic advice sheets and a list of essential items, then covered the ‘not so nice’ topics such as red mite in depth to help you to keep your hens happy and healthy.

As well as writing our help and advice section and running training courses from our farm, Jason has contributed regular articles for the poultry sections of national magazines, discussing how to give your hens a general health MOT and covering health topics in much detail.

Latest NewsPoultry Keeping Help and Advice

Jan25 Avian Influenza update

Latest Situation: Due to the increase in cases across England and new findings in wild birds, an Avian Influenza Prevention...

Latest NewsPoultry Keeping Help and Advice

Sep24 Register your Chickens – Defra update September 2024

Avian Influenza update: There are no current disease control zones in England. The UK has self-declared zonal freedom from highly pathogenic...

Poultry Keeping Help and Advice

Nov22 Poultry Fleas and Lice Prevention and Treatment

Chickens can be affected by both fleas and lice, the latter being more common and living directly on your birds...

Poultry Keeping Help and Advice

Nov22 Mantel Farm’s Help and Advice For Good Biosecurity

Minimize movement in and out of bird enclosures: There is no need to stop enjoying time with your flock, however,...

Poultry Keeping Help and Advice

Nov22 Introducing New Birds to an existing flock

If you have never introduced new birds into an existing flock please be aware it is not easy! you certainly...

Poultry Keeping Help and Advice

Nov22 Broody Hen – friend or foe?

Before we attempt to get to grips with the above, a quick definition of ‘broody’ would be a good idea:...

Poultry Keeping Help and Advice

Nov22 Red Spider Mite

Prevention and Treatment Once Red-mite have arrived in your poultry house it can be an incredibly difficult problem to solve...

Poultry Keeping Help and Advice

Nov22 New to Chicken Keeping? – A check-list of essential items

Let us help you make a good start, the following is a list of items we consider to be essential...