Garden Chicken Keeping


Discussing chicken keeping today. Learn about the pleasures and perils of keeping hens in your garden, their suitability as pets, and the joys of having your own fresh free-range eggs. This course is aimed at all chicken keepers wishing to feel confident that they can care for and handle their hens in the correct way.

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    This is an advance order, we will contact you when the hens are available for collection.

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    Available Dates

    Sun 17th March 2024
    Sat 11th May 2024
    Sat 27th July 2024
    Sun 27th October 2024


    1 day 9.30- 4.30pm

    In the morning we will cover:
    1. All About Chickens - An introduction, background and characteristics
    2. Getting Started - Choosing Your Chickens: A hen or cockerel, breeds of chicken, size, looks and eggs.
    3. Getting Started - Your Set Up, housing and equipment, run space, flooring and bedding.
    4. Caring For Your Hens - Feed, routine care, daily feed requirements and treats
    In the afternoon we will discuss:
    1. Possible Perils of Poultry Keeping - A classroom session discussing the details of the most common pests and diseases and how to identify, protect and treat your birds in the most practical way. Also covering the most likely chicken predators focusing on keeping your flock safe from the fox - the number one enemy.
    2. Questions and Answers - A general session over tea and coffee to cover individual and specific issues
    3. Handling your hens - A practical session demonstrating how to catch a chicken, hold and inspect for fleas and lice, clipping wings, claws and beaks and handling techniques for other treatments.

    What to Expect

    An informal day spent with others interested in chicken keeping. Our courses are limited to small groups and you will gain a wealth of information from a highly experienced chicken keeper. There is also a chance to see a sample of the different hens and equipment available, and you will receive a useful pack of course notes to take away.

    What to Bring

    Please bring a packed lunch. Refreshments will be provided, including a homemade cake.
    Parking is available at the entrance to our farm and our training room is just a short walk down our track.
    Bring yourself, confirmation of your booking, a notebook and any questions you may have.
    Please arrive 15 mins before the start of the course for a prompt start

    Cancellation Policy:

    To ensure all attendees get the best experience from their training we only run our courses in small groups.

    We therefore must operate with a strict cancellation policy:  Refunds (or booking transfers) are not given for cancellations made within 2 weeks of the course.  If a cancellation is made with more than 2 weeks notice but within 6 weeks of the course date, then we will try to re-sell your tickets, if we are successful then a refund will be issued for the full amount less a £10 administration fee.  If a cancellation is made with more than 6 weeks notice, then a full refund will be issued.

    Click here to view our Terms & Conditions or contact us for further details.

    Jason Weller


    Jason is the co-owner of Mantel Farm and our expert in chicken care, he has written many articles for our website and magazines and gives training and talks at shows and events, sharing his experience and stories along with his expertise.  He makes our chicken enclosures, designing and installing many chicken runs in gardens, building on his background in Structural Engineering.

    Enquiry Form

    We are always happy to help, just complete this enquiry form to reach us. We have also gathered lots of information in our Grapevine help and advice and frequently asked questions pages.
