Pekin Bantam Hen Lavender
The Pekin Bantam, originating from China is a ‘true bantam’, meaning there is no large fowl counterpart. There has been some confusion as to whether they are a small version of the Cochin. They are indeed similar, but different enough (developed in the UK), to be classified as true. In addition, the Cochin bantam does exist as a separate breed in other parts of Europe and America.
Pekins are a docile, friendly breed, quickly tamed and make a perfect pet for children of all ages, easy to handle and love a cuddle. They are an ideal bird for a small scale back garden set up, being far less damaging to your lawn and flower beds than many larger birds would be! They make an excellent broody and mum to their chicks should the chance arise.
These small round birds with feathered legs and feet can live up to ten years. If you class eggs as a bonus when keeping these lovely little birds, then you won’t be disappointed, their eggs are quite small, and numbers are around 110 white/cream eggs per year.