Latest Situation:

Due to the increase in cases across England and new findings in wild birds, an Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) with mandatory biosecurity measures has been introduced across England and Scotland from noon on Sat 25th Jan.

All bird keepers from this date, must follow the biosecurity measures outlined for prevention zones (see below).  In addition if your birds are within a protection or surveillance zone you must follow the stringent biosecurity measures accordingly.

Are you receiving Defra alerts?

All chicken keepers should now have registered with Defra, however do be aware that on the 15th Jan you may have received a text/email from Defra to say they are ‘refining the process of releasing alerts about AI outbreaks’  If you received this message then you will need to re-subscribe to receive alerts!

H5N1 case in Rye, East Sussex:

Locally on the 17th January: Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 was confirmed at a premises near Rye, Rother, East Sussex (AIV 2025/03).  A 3km protection zone and 10km surveillance zone have been declared surrounding the premises.  If you are within this area please see below the rules for these zones and refer to the Defra website using the links:

Rules in disease control zones in England:

Nationwide Prevention zone: (taken from the Defra poster ‘prevention zone requirements for all poultry and captive bird keepers)
  • Keep free-ranging birds in fenced areas to minimise contact with wild birds, neigbouring poultry or captive birds.
  • Inspect outdoor areas, removing wild bird contaminants like faeces, feathers and wild bird carcases.
  • Fence off or put netting over areas of standing water or ponds.
  • Provide feed and water undercover, so wild birds can’t access it.
  • Make your premises unattractive to wild birds. Use bird scarers,foils or streamers.
  • Keep ducks and geese separate from other poultry.
  • Store bedding under cover to reduce the risk of contamination.
  • Clean and disinfect footwear before and after tending to your birds. If you own more than 50 birds, place foot dips containing Government approved disinfectant at all entry and exit points.
  • Clean and disinfect hard surfaces regularly.
  • Clean and disinfect equipment and vehicles to avoid disease spread between premises.
  • Minimise the movement of people, vehicles and equipment to and from bird areas and keep records of movements.
  • Keep records of poultry, captive bird and egg movements.
  • Maintain buildings that house birds to prevent water ingress
  • Ensure pest control is effective.
If you’re in a 10km surveillance zone or a 10km temporary control zone, you must:
  • keep a record of all poultry or poultry eggs that enter or leave your premises, except table eggs that are being moved direct to wholesale or retail premises to be sold directly to consumers
  • not move poultry, other captive birds, or mammals (including pigs) to or from premises where poultry or other captive birds are kept without a licence (there are exceptions for pets)
  • not spread poultry litter, manure or slurry, or remove them from your premises.
In 3km protection zones and 3km temporary control zones, you must:
  • follow the rules for 10km surveillance zones and 10km temporary control zones
  • keep poultry and other captive birds housed – find out how to house them safely
  • follow the instructions from your veterinary inspector to dispose of any bird carcasses
  • not spread poultry litter, manure or slurry, or remove them from your premises
  • not move poultry or other captive birds onto or off your premises without a licence (there are exceptions for pets)
  • not move eggs without a licence (you can move table eggs to wholesale or retail premises to be sold directly to consumers)
  • not move poultry meat inside or outside the zone, unless you follow the rules in the case declaration

Further links to Defra pages:

Bird flu (avian influenza): latest situation in England
Bird flu (avian influenza): how to prevent it and stop it spreading: guidance for the Nationwide AIPZ
Which measures apply to your area? check the interactive map and read the AIPZ declaration schedule relevant to your area.
Bird flu: premises near Rye, Rother, East Sussex (AIV 2025/03) here you can download: the declaration of the avian influenza protection and surveillance zone